Shades of Hue and Me

I finally gave in to this small but urgent voice inside me to quit scattering my thoughts and images on makeup and just focus on one portal where people can read all my thoughts on cosmetics. I have an exisiting blog but it's a personal one, and I want a separate site to chronicle all my adventures and thoughts on shades, hues, colors, textures and imagery of various forms of cosmetics. Hence, Shades of U is born.

Just a slight caveat: I am neither a professional makeup artist/photographer, nor are my application techniques or skin condition perfect at any one time, so please pardon the occasional lapses and imperfections. I created this blog not only for other people but for myself as well, because I need one central repository of my makeup images and reviews for future references.

So come with me as I delve into the wonderful world of cosmetics and beauty products, with the occasional thought bubbles on fashion and accessories (I'm starting to really love bags as well). Welcome to my site and hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

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